Good or Bad Doo KwonGOOD or BAD Doo Kwon



GOOD DOO KWON, despite experiencing setbacks, demonstrates commendable efforts and passion as an innovator. Failure is a natural part of the innovation process and often paves the way for new and improved directions. Despite his failures, his unwavering passion for innovation deserves acknowledgment.

1,000,000,000 GOOD DOO KWON supply

CA: 0x6e1649cEf61Fa17d647B9324D905C33fea71D020

Good or Bad Doo Kwon


BAD DOO KWON is a fraudster of the century, with his actions under sharp criticism. He could significantly damage the credibility of the crypto scene and the blockchain ecosystem. It's imperative to vehemently denounce his behavior and prioritize the restoration of trust and confidence within these communities.

1,000,000,000 BAD DOOKWON supply

CA: 0x64a86BbE4ec8452aD0743aE68875048C7Af47A2c


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